Saturday, March 5, 2016

Brown Creeper

 Today, I saw a Brown Creeper. This is the third time I have seen one. The first time was at a place called the Margery Adams Audubon Sanctuary. The second time was in Los Angeles, CA, and the third time was back at the Audubon Sanctuary. This is the first time I got a good picture of one.

Building Bird Houses Part 1- Chickadee House

Well, today I built a bird house. The bird house was for a chickadee. The first thing I thought about before I built the house was, "Where do chickadees live?" They live in tree hollows, so what would better replicate that than a long narrow bird house? But before I built the house, I used a staple gun to staple some chicken wire to the inside of the house so the bird could get out.

A Day Out Birding With Ebird


       Today I went on a birding adventure. It started at 9:00 a.m. Well, that is when I started to plan for it. We didn't leave until 12:00pm. The first thing I did was go onto ebird and decide where to go. Then, I made a map of all the places we were going to go.

  The first stop on the map was a little place called Hazel Dell Cove. My goal was to become the top ebirder there. I needed to identify two or more species of bird. I identified three. I saw one American Kestrel, seventeen Hooded Mergansers, and four Mallards.

The next stop on the list was a place I call eagle island, but is really called Marine Point (and it's called Hickory Point on ebird). I call it eagle island because there is a little island that has a Bald Eagle Nest on it. My goal was to try to find the Long-tailed duck that was sighted three days ago. Sadly, I didn't see it. I did see ten Common Goldeneye, two Turkey Vultures, twenty one Ring-billed Gulls, one Great Blue Heron, one Herring Gull, four American Crows, ten American Robins, and one Pie Billed Grebe. 

Next, we went exploring. We drove down a little street, past houses and regular things in a neighborhood. The farther we went, the more wild it became. We found a little stream that overflowed its banks because of all the rain we've had and in it we saw a little family of Mallard ducks and a Muskrat.

As we continued down the lane we started to see deer. I saw and took this picture of a mother deer, baby deer, and father deer. I like all the pictures of the mother and the baby, but the father was behind some branches and my camera was only focusing on the branches. By the time I had it focused, he had walked out of view. I only had time to snap one bad picture.





                Father; Can you find him?

The last stop on my adventure was a place called the Beach House. I go there all the time, only because on ebird there are so many cool sightings, but when I go there I see nothing.
That concludes my adventure.

Albino Canada Goose

   I saw this albino Canada Goose on the 24th of December.
It was standing in a baseball field with a flock of Canada Geese.

YouTube Channel

    I just made a YouTube Channel.

It is called Merlin Outdoors. Link